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Private Lessons with Camden M.

30 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Piano (ages 5+),   Voice (ages 5+),   Saxophone (ages 5+),   Saxophone - Alto (ages 5+),   Saxophone - Tenor (ages 5+),   Saxophone-Baritone (ages 5+)

Camden M.

Camden has sung with the Colorado Symphonic Chorus, the Elvis Vocal Ensemble and is pursuing his bachelor's degree in music education and audio engineering at MSU Denver. Outside of music he enjoys playing ultimate frizbee, golf, and hokey. He also enjoys going on hikes with his dog. The reason he loves to teach music is because it allows him to share his passion, grow as a teacher, and meet people exactly where they are in music and help them to thrive.

$37.50/lesson, Month to month

Wednesday at Littleton School of Music

$37.50/lesson, Month to month

Thursday at Littleton School of Music